News | 15 Jun 2022

Edenred launches “Move for Good”, a global program that accompanies its clients on their green transition

Edenred is launching “Move for Good”, a global sustainability program enabling its transport and mobility clients to mitigate their environmental impact, while promoting biodiversity preservation. Already operational in some European and Latin American countries, this program is deployed by Edenred globally.

Edenred has structured the “Move for Good” program around 4 pillars.

  • Raise Awareness. Edenred is developing solutions raising awareness on greener transport and mobility. By end of 2022, Edenred GoHub data-powered platform giving a 360 vision on fleet data to fleet managers, will enable them to understand, track, and reduce their GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions.

  • Reduce & Avoid. Edenred launches incentives programs to reduce GHG emissions. For example, in Brazil, the Carbon Credit system incentivizes clients to switch from gasoline to bioethanol fuel in return for annually awarded Carbon Credits. When it comes to GHG avoidance initiatives, Edenred is also leading the pack. As an example, Edenred partnered in March 2022 with ChargePoint, a leading electric vehicle (EV) charging network provider, to give fleet managers access over 295,000 public electric charge points across Europe. Finally, MaaS (Mobility as a Service) solutions are currently designed and implemented by Edenred to plan and pay for routes minimizing GHG emissions.

  • Offset. Edenred now helps its clients compensate their GHG emissions; On a monthly basis, the carbon footprint of clients’ vehicles is calculated, based on liters filled into the tank. Then, up to 100% of GHG emissions can be offset through third-party certified projects, such as avoided deforestation, or methane recovery.

  • Preserve. Edenred commits to preserving biodiversity and recovering degraded areas. For example, Edenred supports the revival of the Atlantic Forest, the most devastated biome in Brazil. Hence, thousands of seedlings will be planted in 2022, in partnership with Legado das Águas, the largest private Atlantic Forest reserve in Brazil.

Jean-Urbain Hubau, Chief Operating Officer, Fleet & Mobility Solutions of Edenred, says: “Edenred’s Fleet and Mobility solutions provide a wide range of value-added services enabling customers to efficiently manage their fleet, optimize their mobility costs, and therefore significantly decrease their carbon footprint. The “Move for Good” initiative accelerates the movement towards sustainability and greener mobility at a global scale. From now on, through its data-powered platforms, Edenred will not only prompt its customers to optimize their route and cost, but also to minimize their environmental impact. Also, by launching the carbon offsetting effort, and helping our clients compensate their environmental impact, we support them in preparing their green transition. I am excited about the deployment of “Move for Good” which truly illustrates Edenred’s purpose: Enrich connections. For good.”