Hospitality company , 1 Aug 2022

Hospitality company, ERM Program, Employee recognition, For Human Resource

Digitally revolutionizing employee and contractor engagement for a 15,000-employee Hospitality business

Overview/ Problem:

After an audit, we found the client’s current program to be outdated with an unattractive incentive and engagement point system. There was also limited customization and personalization in their reward program to cater to 15,000 employees spread over 49 different countries. 

The client did not have an employee and contractor retention program.

Due to the lack of data synchronization, bad communication, and lack of feedback loops, we found the client to be paying high fees for the delivery of merchandise products, resulting in wasted costs. 

Their employee recognition program was also inconsistent, resulting in non-ideal, confusing responses.


ERM program for employee & contractor engagement

Targeting our client’s impersonal rewards program problems, we created a digital email marketing campaign that would stand out in the inbox, and aligned with the target employee to deliver a personalized “For YOU moment” about the company’s portfolio of rewards and incentives. 

We also did due research, sourcing the most popular brands per country, and taking personalization to another level. 

We also solved another problem of long redemption time by starting redemption with values as low as $5 and also improved the accessibility of this service through digital means. 

Edenred provided the client with the digital customer service support their employees needed, which was vitally lacking before. 


Edenred’s ERM program helped the client plan the most important statistics of their employee & contractors’ engagement data on a single, informative dashboard, also digitally transforming their rewards program.

We solved their problem of costly shipping fees, long delivery times, limited-added values, and demotivating long points accumulation, allowing them to improve their employee and contraction relationship.